We have expanded and extended our partnership with Workforce Development offering monthly employment assistance at Chelan Public Library.
People can come to the library from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the second Monday of every month for one-on-one assistance with employment, education, training, and meeting basic needs. The next session will be Feb. 10.
Walk-ins are welcome and assistance is available in English and Spanish.
The partnership began last fall with NCRL, WorkSource, SkillSource, Wenatchee Valley College, and OIC of Washington. It has now expanded to also include Chelan Douglas Community Action Council, Link Transit, and Chelan Valley Hope. In addition, several local employers who are currently hiring have joined the effort.
“It has been exciting to see what can be accomplished when we work together,” said our Adult Services Manager Amanda Brack “Part of NCRL’s strategic plan is to build partnerships to strengthen communities. It has been incredible to see how we can leverage our library space to bring essential community resources to Chelan.”
The number of people seeking help from the program has grown from 10-15 per month when it started to more than 40 people receiving services and information last month.
“If you’re looking for work, looking for a change, interested in training or education, or just need a little help, we would love the opportunity to meet with you,” said Ashley Olson, WorkSource Wenatchee Valley’s Strategic Programs Coordinator. “We are also excited to be partnering with local employers to be at these events, we hope to have at least 2-3 employers who are currently hiring to join us on each date.”
Pastries and warm beverages are donated by Lake Chelan Artisan Bakery for attendees.