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Join us in January as our virtual Oficina de Oradores de Humanidades de Washington series continues with a program on gender in partnership with Chelan Pride.

We All Transition will be offered via the Zoom platform from on Wednesday, Jan. 22, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.

Navigating gender in our world has become more complicated. The simple binary gender system does not represent many in our communities today. In this talk, Mac Scotty McGregor will discuss the spectrum of gender in a warm and accessible way. Most people have been socialized around gender, and that socialization affects the way we interact with others. Mac will walk the audience through the types of modeling and messaging they had growing up around gender, and how we can all make conscious choices that serve us better today.

Mac will share his gender journey and what it taught him about life, our culture, and how it affects our interactions with others.

McGregor (he/him) is the co-founder and executive director of Positive Masculinity, a nonprofit that works to dismantle toxic masculinity cultural norms and create a healthier positive masculinity model for all people. On top of being an educator, trans activist, writer, speaker, radio host, and author of the book Positive Masculinity Now, McGregor is a former U.S. karate team member and Martial Arts Hall of Fame inductee.

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