FAQs: Mail Order
How do I order an item to be mailed to my house?
We are happy to mail items directly to your home! Place a hold as you normally would, but select “Mail Order Library” as your pick-up location. Learn more on our Mail Order Library page.
How do I return items to mail order?
You can return items that were mailed to you at any of our libraries to save us postage!
To return items by mail:
- Place the provided return label on the outside of the bag, directly over the top of the mailing label.
- Place the item back in the mail bag and seal it.
- Put the bag in your mailbox or take it to the post office or any UPS store to be returned to the library.
What's available through mail order?
Books, audiobooks, music CDs, DVDs, and more! If it’s available in our online catalog, it can be delivered to you.
Why do I see items on my account that I haven't received?
If you have ordered material through our Mail Order Library, you may notice that items are checked out to your account before you receive them. This is because our Mail Order Library checks items out to your account the same day that they are mailed to you. Please allow up to two weeks to receive items from the date they were checked out.
If you did not order the material to be mailed to you, or you have not received the items after two weeks, please contact us.
How do you know what address to mail my items to?
When you order material through our Mail Order Library, we automatically mail items to the address we have on your account. Please make sure that the contact information we have on file for you is correct.
Why are items I returned by mail still checked out to me?
It can take up to two weeks for items to arrive by mail and be checked in by our Mail Order Library. We do not charge late fines, so there is no penalty for having items slightly overdue on your account. As soon as the items are checked in, the items are removed from your account. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
How do I get a copy of the printed mail order catalog?
The printed catalog is automatically distributed to all rural addresses. If you haven’t received one, you can download it from our Mail Order Library page or pick up a copy at any of our libraries.
Don’t forget: The printed Mail Order catalog lists suggested items and popular materials – but you can order anything that is available in our online catalog!
Who can use the Mail Order Library?
Our Mail Order Library is available to anyone who has a library card and lives or owns property in Chelan, Douglas, Ferry, Grant, or Okanogan counties.
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- "Live chat" in the lower right corner
- Email us at info@ncwlibraries.org
- Call your local library
- Connect with us through our contact us page