Can social media be used to psychologically manipulate voters?
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram – some of which did not even exist a decade ago – are playing an increasingly central role in politicians’ efforts to get elected. Join political scientist Travis Ridout to explore the pros and cons of social media in political campaigns.
NCW Libraries and the Wenatchee Valley Museum are proud to bring you Humanities Washington presenter Travis Ridout for his free virtual program, Hacking Democracy: What Social Media is doing to US Politics.
Travis Ridout is the Thomas S. Foley distinguished Professor of Government and Public Policy at Washington State University. Ridout’s research on political campaigns has appeared in the American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of political Science, and the Journal of Politics. Ridout’s most recent book is Political Advertising in the United States.
All NCW Virtual Reads events are free and open to the public. Events will be held through the Zoom digital meeting platform. To participate, register here. Registrants will receive an email with the Zoom meeting information.
During each event, attendees will hear from the presenter and then have an opportunity to submit questions through the chat feature for the presenter to answer live.
Learn more about Professor Ridout here: