Wenatchee Public Library will close for 10 days while it is moved into a temporary location in downtown Wenatchee.
The library will close at its current location at 310 Douglas St. starting Saturday, April 20, and reopen at its new, temporary location at the corner
of Wenatchee and Orondo avenues on May 1.
The library will remain in the temporary location for up to one year while the Douglas Street building undergoes a $1.5 million renovation.
Some programs, including story times, will be held at the new library location. But other larger programs, including many of the upcoming summer activities,
will be held at Pybus Public Market. The library’s STEM Club will move to NCRL’s Distribution Center at 16 N. Columbia St. for the next year.
During the first week of May, the library will be open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on May 1, 2 and 3, and then be closed May 4 because of the Apple Blossom Grand
Parade. The library will reopen on May 5 and resume its current regular hours of operation.