During the pandemic, while our library buildings were closed, we worked hard to identify ways to increase access to our online resources while everyone was at home.
A few examples included increasing the number of Hoopla checkouts each month, offering an eCard option for folks who needed a library card, lifting typical restrictions to online resources, and more!
Our library spaces are now open and have resumed normal operations. We are so thankful! In an effort to honor our patrons whose library accounts are in good standing and also ensure that library materials are available to all patrons, some of the previous restrictions have returned.
If you find that you are not able to access materials on Hoopla or Libby, please check your library account. It may be as simple as updating your current address or renewing your account. Or, you may see an item that hasn’t been returned yet and has been marked in the system as “lost.” That issue can be resolved by either returning the item or paying the related fine.
If you have any questions at all, please reach out to your local library staff, call 509-663-1117, or email info@ncwlibraries.org.